Serving is something we love to do, and we want you to join us! We serve through giving to community organizations. There’s even a place in our parking lot to donate clothing items. We are a host to Scouts (Many have made the rank of Eagle Scout!) That’s just the tip of the iceberg, and there’s a place for you.
Chesapeake Baysox Partnership
We’re pleased to be official partners with the Chesapeake Baysox minor league baseball organization! Come out to a ballgame and stop by our table to learn more about Cresthill Church.
Other Areas of Service
Bowie Interfaith Food Pantry
Boy Scout Troop 1283
Cub Scout Troop 1040
Open Air Campaigners
PB & J Ministry for S.O.M.E. (So Others Might Eat)
Boy Scout Troop 1283
Cub Scout Troop 1040
Open Air Campaigners
PB & J Ministry for S.O.M.E. (So Others Might Eat)