Bible Study and Small Group Opportunities


Adults: Online
Pilots Class
This is an adult class for men and women of all ages, singles and couples. We go verse by verse when studying the word of God, and discuss how the passage fits into the whole story of the Bible, but also how it fits into history.
Meets Sundays at 9:00 on Zoom.  Join the class live at this link on Sundays. 
Adults: Onsite
Coed Class
This adult coed class with tables gathered around to encourage everyone to participate. We promote a relaxed, supportive environment for discovering God’s Word. Teachers facilitate group discussions by using thought-provoking questions and by encouraging responses and questions. Prayer, support, guidance and accountability help build real spiritual growth, and what’s important to us is developing relationships based on a desire to serve each other.
Meets Sunday mornings at 9 onsite.


Children’s Corner (3-5 yrs): Onsite
Arrive early to check your child in and get your seat for the worship service, which starts promptly at 10:30.
Children’s Time (1st grade thru 5th Grade): Onsite
Children in these age groups will have a lesson in a classroom starting at 10:30.


Men’s Small Group: Online
Bible study and connection for men to share their unique perspectives and to grow in their faith.
Join the Men’s small group study here on Mondays.


The Youth Group  (middle and high school) meets at the church from 7-8

Women’s Small Group: Online
The Breakout Queens
Looking forward to studying the Word of God and connecting with other women…and to growing our community. Join us and invite a friend!  We meet on Zoom. Join this small group study at this link every Wednesday.