Children’s Ministry

We believe that children of all ages should learn from the Bible, and we provide age-appropriate learning opportunities for your children on Sunday mornings at 10:30, with multiple classes designed for children from age 3 and up.
Our Bible study teachers are not only trained to work with children’s curriculum, but they are also routine background checked and trained in child safety and security awareness specific to minors.
There is a nursery with cribs, toys, and supplies available for parents to use.
Elementary School Age Students Online Activities
Parents: Read the scriptures with your children. Develop a fun activity. Some ideas:
- Draw a picture
- Act it out
- Create scripture art by writing out verses that stand out to your child
- Journal as a family some ways to live it out
Theme: How to treat others
Verse of the Month: Proverbs 11:25 “Be a blessing to someone today.”
Week One
David Spared Saul
1 Samuel 24
Week Two
David, Nabal, and Abigail
1 Samuel 25:1-35
Week Three
Judges 13, 15:1-5, 16
Week Four
Nehemiah Rebuilt Jerusalem’s Wall
Nehemiah 1-6